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a wide variety of exciting, engaging group classes & 1-2-1 sessions allowing the next generation to learn and perform popular songs, learning the important skills of performing together as a team and the key components of the key stage 2, 3 & 4 music curriculum. Helping bridge the gap from primary school to high school with continuation to ensure help and support is provided as we work towards GCSE music and beyond.

The project utilises various electric and acoustic instruments including electric guitars, bass guitars, keyboards, acoustic guitars, drum kits, vocals and percussion achieving an overall full band experience covering modern and classic songs including tracks from the Rockschool 2018 syllabus with later grades contributing towards GCSE & UCAS points. The project also run one day workshops, 1 – 1 tuition for pupils wishing to take their instrument to the next level and master class sessions with UK industry professionals.


Our full class music sessions are very well received by every one of our pupils (and teachers!) from Reception to Year 6. The project Chris runs not only includes every member of the class, but also supports pupils to work as a team while teaching the fundamentals of crafting and playing a song. The songs in the programme are all current popular songs, often suggested by the pupils themselves. There is always a real sparkle to the lessons and the end of half-term showcases give the pupils a platform to perform in front of their parents and peers, helping build confidence and a sense of achievement. I think what I love most about the lessons though, is the way they give different pupils a chance to shine, often not the ones you would expect. Music, songwriting and performing have made a genuine difference to some of our pupils' lives, and have impacted positively on their engagement, achievement and well-being in general.

Jeremy Jackson, Principal, Webster Primary School. Manchester.


We Will Rock You have ran courses at Terra Nova School for the last 3 years. They are extremely popular with both pupils and parents and the courses are booked up within a few days of their release date. The progress the pupils make over the term is staggering.  I have attended the last two end of term concerts and was bowled over watching pupils I know and teach perform beyond my expectations. Confident, happy faces shone from the stage as the last chord was struck!

James Westall, Head Of Music & Performing Arts, Terra Nova School

I have worked with Chris Hough for ten years as both Class Teacher and Headteacher. He has been joined by Chris Haddon in the past couple of years. Their Samba sessions are enjoyable, fun and inclusive for all children. They give all children, whatever their musical experiences, a chance to perform, while developing their knowledge of the aspects of music, performing individually and as a group.

Alan Brown, Principal, Oldfield Primary School. Chester.

We invited 2 members of the team from ‘We Will Rock You Project’ to come and teach us about band performance and arrangement. The Year 10 class had great fun in a lesson which is directly to do with the ensemble performance of their GCSE. The project’s team have got a vast experience in the music industry, having working in the industry and been performers on popular hits. Their main passion is composing songs, many of which are used by other musicians and some of which are used on adverts. They taught us how to perform Slade’s ‘I Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday’ to get us into the festive spirit! This invaluable experience with professional musicians has given us lots of ideas for our ensemble GCSE performances, as well as for our solo compositions. The session was thoroughly enjoyed by all and we cannot wait to have them back!

Suzanne Edwards, Head of Music, Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College